This department is located on the Arlandaweg 100
The specialty Neurosurgery is concerned with the surgical treatment of disorders in the brain, spine, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. In Acibadem, the most common operations on the spine and peripheral nerves are performed from the Spine Center (here please refer to the link to Spine center). Below is an overview of the procedures:
- Low back hernia: a protrusion of the intervertebral disc in the lower back.
- Spinal stenosis: a narrowing of the spinal canal in the lower back, causing the nerve roots to be pinched.
- Neck hernia: a protrusion of the intervertebral disc in the neck.
- Spondylodesis: connecting two or more vertebrae with screws and rods.
- Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS): a pinching of the middle arm nerve in the wrist.
- Ulnar nerve (ulnaropathy): a pinching of the elbow nerve.
To visit the Neurosurgeon you need a referral from your general practitioner or medical specialist. You can make an appointment directly by calling +31 (0)20 238 8800. You can also request an appointment on our website via the appointment form or by sending an e-mail to, Acibadem IMC will contact you within 24 hours.
Patient Folder:
- Adviezen na een hernia of vernauwing van de lage rug
- Adviezen na een herniaoperatie van de nek
- Lage rughernia, neurochirurgische behandeling
- Nekhernia, neurochirurgische behandeling
- Lumbale kanaalstenose, vernauwing van het wervelkanaal in de onderrug
- Spondylodese van de onderrug
- Spondylodese van de nek
- Ulnarisdecompressie