Pain Center

Short Waiting Time

Call us today to get an appointment from this service within short waiting times.

Zero Co-Payment

You will only be responsible for your own risk, with no additional co-payment required.

Why the Acidadem IMC pain center?

The Acibadem pain center is an independent treatment center for the treatment of acute and chronic pain. The pain center has virtually no waiting lists and there is no delay between the preparation of a treatment plan and the implementation of a treatment plan. The care is offered in an integrated and multidisciplinary manner by a permanent (para) medical treatment team. Integrated and multidisciplinary care means that different disciplines approach care together. The approach is personal and tailor-made.

The goals are:

  • To reduce the pain (suffering), to make it acceptable / tolerable.
  • Reduce the effects of pain on your daily functioning.
    physical: being able to do more – exercise – take back daily things
    psycho-social: feelings of stress and frustration, getting stuck, getting a grip on life, finding balance.
  • Increase and improve the quality of life.

In addition to the permanent (para) medical team, the pain center works closely with the neurology department (headache center), the spine center and the inguinal hernia center of Acibadem IMC.

Short waiting times and fast and direct communication with the GP and other specialists contribute to adequate treatment.

Who are we?

The anesthetist pain specialist is responsible for your medical treatment. During your visit to the outpatient clinic, he will discuss the purpose, possible risks and the course of your treatment with you. The anesthetist pain specialist specializes in the treatment of patients with all types of pain.

The anesthetist-pain specialist will assess your complaints and then make a treatment proposal. This can consist of advice and non-invasive treatments (medicines, pain patches, TENS, physiotherapy, etc.) as well as invasive treatments. There are several options for invasive pain treatments.
In addition to treatment of nerves in which the pain conduction is switched off or reduced, joint treatments and an epidural also belong to the invasive pain treatment. These treatments are not very painful and are done under local anesthesia.
The exact location of the pain treatment is determined and treated with the help of X-ray scanning or ultrasound signals.

In addition to the anesthetist pain specialist, there are nurses and doctor’s assistants. They support the pain specialist. If you have any questions about your pain treatment, you can contact them for advice, if necessary in consultation with the pain specialist.

In addition to pain treatments, patients can be referred to physiotherapy at the spine center. The aim is to gradually build up the physical resilience, to slowly reload the painful area, to regain confidence in your life. The aim is to gradually build up the physical resilience, to slowly reload the painful area, to regain confidence in your body. You may be referred to the rehabilitation center to start a multidisciplinary rehabilitation process.

Having chronic pain can have a major impact on a person’s life and cause a lot of stress and frustration. Pain can control your life and you get stuck in your own pain process. The psychosocial counselor guides and supports you by providing information about pain, tips and advice, helping you to process and help you learn skills to better cope with your circumstances.

Patient Folder:

  1. Epidurale injectie
  2. Facetdenervatie
  3. Infiltratie van het os coccygis
  4. Lokale injecties
  5. Lumbale sympathicus blokkade
  6. Nervus Suprascapularis injectie
  7. Occipitalis neuralgie
  8. Perifere zenuwpijn
  9. PRF Behandeling
  10. RACZ-procedure (epidurale adhesiolysis)
  11. Sacro-iliacaal injectie
  12. Sleeve injectie
  13. Stellatum
  14. TENS-behandeling (Fysiotherapie)
  15. Nazorg na pijnbehandeling


Anesthesiologist, Pain Specialist


Anesthesiologist, Pain Specialist



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