General Surgery
At Vlaardingen, you can go to a consultation for various diseases within General Surgery such as abdominal wall hernias (e.g. inguinal hernias, umbilical hernias, incisional hernias), gallstone disease and hemorrhoids. The operations for abdominal wall hernias, gallbladder operations and inguinal hernias are performed in the operating rooms with a specialized team in Acibadem Amsterdam. Examination and treatment for anal problems usually takes place in the treatment room and can often be done during the first appointment. This does not require any preparation such as intestinal cleansing (laxative). Outpatient operations like swelling of the skin (including fat bumps, sebaceous glands) and ingrown toenails are also performed under local anesthesia. These can be done immediately during consultation hours or, if desired, take place at a later time.
Patients with general orthopedic and hip and knee complaints are welcome for an assessment at the outpatient clinic in Vlaardingen. The specialty of Dr. de Man is total hip and knee prosthesis and revision operations. The first consultation, follow-ups and wound checks can be done at the Vlaardingen location. The surgical operation takes place at Acibadem Amsterdam. The waiting time for an operation is approximately 6-8 weeks. X-ray examination takes place at the Vlaardingen/Schiedam location. The outpatient appointments for general orthopedics are on every Monday and Thursday.
Spine Surgery
Patients with back and neck complaints are welcome for an assessment at the outpatient clinic in Vlaardingen. Patients can have their first consultations, second opinions and also follow-up following any surgical treatments that will take place in Acibadem Amsterdam. If specific additional examination will be necessary (such as a CT or MRI scan) it will be scheduling to Acibadem Amsterdam. If only X-rays are neededy, this can be done in DC clinics, Schiedam. Consultation hours are once every 2 weeks on Tuesdays.
Medisch Centrum Hoog Lede
Francijntje de Kadtlaan 44 – F3136 LR Vlaardingen
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