I have been educated as a general internist and specialized as a rheumatologist. In the past 30 years, I have seen a true revolution in the area of treating different varieties of inflammatory rheumatism. Through early use of medicine and the arrival of the so-called “biologicals”, we as rheumatologists are often able to prevent joint damage and deformities in the case of inflammatory rheumatism. The image of wheelchairs and other tools has now become very rare. People with inflammatory rheumatism today have a good prognose and life quality. We are moving up increasingly from “care” to “cure”. Rheumatism is the umbrella term of (120) different conditions of joints, bones, muscles and connective tissue, for which a (para)medical interdisciplinary and collaborative approach is essential. Besides my work as a rheumatologist, I am also an active musician and visual artist, and very concerned with the fate of musicians, dancers and visual artists, where musculoskeletal problems are involved. A lot of these problems can be treated through a good collaboration with other disciplines. Acibadem accommodates the specialisms that I often work with as a rheumatologist. This makes Acibadem with all its modern facilities a very suitable place to practice rheumatology.
Specialty/areas of interest
Rheumatology in its entirety, osteoporosis, dance- and musical medicine
Dutch, English
Work experience
2015-ReumazorgZWN (ZBC)
2003-2016 Rheumatologist at Tergooi Hospital, Hilversum
1996-2003 Internist/rheumatologist Mesos MC, Utrecht/ St. Antonius Hospital Nieuwegein
1993-2015 Rheumatology Practice, Bilthoven (ZBC)
1985-1993 Internist /rheumatologist Berg en Bosch, Bilthoven
1983-1985 Education Rheumatology Prof. Dr. A. Cats, rheumatologist at LUMC
1978-1983 Education Internal Medicine Dr. M. de Jong , internist St. Franciscus Gasthuis Rotterdam
1978 General Physician exam Erasmus MC Rotterdam
1970 State Exam HBS B. Den Haag
NVR (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Reumatologie)
NVDMG (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Dans- en Muziekgeneeskunde)
- Systemische lupus erythemadosus en het myocardinfact (klinische les) J.C.Ehrlich, J.D. Macfarlane; NTvG 1989
- Mediastinal Lymphadenopathy and Pulmonarial Hypertension in Mixed Connective Tissue Disease. G.L. Guit, J.C.Ehrlich; Radiology 1985
- Fatale complicatie van D- Penicillamine; J.C.Ehrlich, H.C. van Paassen; NTvG 1984
- Lyme Borreliose in één praktijk; J.C.Ehrlich, J.D.Macfarlane; NTvG 1993