Dr. Bas Pijnenburg

Orthopedic Surgeon

Dr. Bas Pijnenburg

Orthopedic Surgeon
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I started my career as physiotherapist and afterwards I started Medical School at the University of Amsterdam. Subsequently, I started my orthopedic training at the AMC. During my time there, I gained a lot of experience with prosthetics: hip, knee, resurfacing of the hip and ankle prosthetics. Until March 2009 I worked as an orthopedic surgeon at the Diakonessehuis Utrecht/Zeist. I specialized in sports orthopedics and more specifically in the treatment of sports injuries to the ankle and the knee. In 2006 I was promoted to the UvA in the diagnostics and treatment of acute ankle injuries. From 2009 onwards I worked in the Amstelland Hospital in Amstelveen and in the middle of 2017 I was eager to get started with ACIBADEM as an orthopedic surgeon.

Specialty/areas of interest

Hip, knee and ankle, specifically arthroscopic treatment of injuries to the ankle and knee.


Dutch and English

Work experience

2009 – 2017 Orthopedic Surgeon, Ziekenhuis Amstelland, Amstelveen

2006 – 2009 Orthopedic Surgeon, Diakonessenhuis, Utrecht / Zeist


Orthopedic training, Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam

Medical School, Universiteit van Amsterdam

Extracurricular positions/memberships

Bestuurslid Najib Foundation

Bestuurslid Nederlandse Vechtsport Authoriteit

Consultant FC Utrecht en AFC Amsterdam

Medical Advisor of the Parkhotel Limburg wielrennersploeg

Medical Doctor of the Nederlandse Box Bond (NBB)

Leaddokter UFC


Dissertation:”Acute ankle injuries: Diagnostic and therapeutic strategies on evidence based grounds.”, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2006.

Medical Publications

Posterolateral Elbow Impingement in Professional Boxers. The American Journal of Sports Medicine 36:328-332 (2008). KP. Valkering, H. van der Hoeven, ACM. Pijnenburg.

Radiographic measurement of the sagittal plane deformity in patients with osteoporotic spinal fractures evaluation of intrinsic error. European Spine Journal 2007 Dec;16(12):2126-32. Alanay A, Pekmezci M, Karaeminogullari O, Acaroglu E, Yazici M, Cil A, Pijnenburg B, Genç Y, Oner FC.

Synovitis villonodularis pigmentosa. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Orthopaedie, Vol 14, Nr 3, okt 2007. BA. Twigt, ACM Pijnenburg, HM Ruitenberg, GJ Clevers.

Arthroscopically guided treatment of injuries to the syndesmosis. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor traumatologie jaargang 15(153-6), October 2007. JEJ Bekkers, ACM Pijnenburg.

Acute Ankle Injuries, diagnostic and therapeutic startegies on evidence-based grounds. Thesis University of Amsterdam, 10 feb 2006. ACM Pijnenburg.

Operative and functional treatment of rupture of the lateral ligament of the ankle. A randomised, prospective trial. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Br 2003;85:525?530. ACM Pijnenburg, K. Bogaard , R. Krips , RK Marti, PMM Bossuyt, CN van Dijk.

Management of acute ankle sprain in athletes. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin und Sporttraumatologie , vol. 51, no2, pp. 112-114 (2003) G. Kerkhoffs, ACM Pijnenburg, JS de Vries, CN van Dijk.

A simple rule for making a decision in the case of ankle trauma makes x-rays redundant. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, Augustus; 146(34) 1609-10. ACM Pijnenburg, CN van Dijk.

Comparison of diagnostic decision rules and structured data collection in assessment of acute ankle injury. Can. Med. Assoc. J., March 1, 2002; 166(6): 727 – 733. A S Glas, ACM Pijnenburg, JG Lijmer, K Bogaard, M de Roos, J N Keeman, RMJM Butzelaar, PMM Bossuyt

Radiography in acute ankle injuries: The Ottawa Ankle Rules versus local diagnostic decision rules. Annals of Emergency Medicine , Volume 39 , Issue 6 , Pages 599 ? 604(2002) ACM Pijnenburg AS Glas, MAJ de Roos, K Bogaard, JG Lijmer, PMM Bossuyt, RMJM Butzelaar, JN Keeman.

Treatment of Ruptures of the Lateral Ankle Ligaments: A Meta-Analysis. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 82:761 (2000). ACM Pijnenburg, CN van Dijk, PMM Bossuyt, RK Marti.

Practical Family Medicine, Sportgeneeskunde 2008. Diverse bijdragen, wordt gedrukt.

A sprained ankle deserves a photo. The Doctor is wrong, medical misapprehensions, ISBN 9031320382: CN van Dijk, ACM Pijnenburg.

Administering NSAID in the case of acute ankle injuries is not scientifically justifiable. ACM Pijnenburg, CN van Dijk.

Torn lateral ligament in combination with a peroneal tendon luxation. Sporttraumatologische Casuïstiek, ISBN 9064648204.ACM Pijnenburg, K. Bogaard, C.N. van Dijk.