My interest in the musculoskeletal system was sparked at an early age, making the step towards medicine a logical progression. I pursued my medical studies at Utrecht University, where this interest was expanded and ultimately focused on the spine through a research period with Prof. R. Castelein. After working for several years as a resident in general orthopedics, I began my specialization in Emmerich (Germany) at the Wirbelsäulenzentrum Niederrhein with Chief Physician Dr. M. Theis. Over the following six years, I worked here as a leading senior physician in the department of conservative and surgical spinal surgery. With great pleasure and enthusiasm, I will start in December 2024 as a new orthopedic spine surgeon at Acibadem Amsterdam, Houten, and later Rotterdam.
Specialization/areas of interest
Spinal surgery (herniated disc, stenosis, spondylolisthesis, degeneration, osteoporotic vertebral collapse), endoscopic spinal surgery, conservative spinal therapy.
Dutch, German, English
Work experience
2019 – 2023 Leitender Oberarzt Wirbelsäulenzentrum Niederrhein (Emmerich (D))
2018 – 2019 Oberarzt Wirbelsäulenzentrum Niederrhein (Emmerich (D))
2017 – 2018 Facharzt Unfall- und orthopädische Chirurgie St. Willibrord Krankenhaus (Emmerich (D))
2011 – 2017 Weiterbildungs-Assistentzarzt (Assistent in Opleiding tot Traumachirurg en orthopedisch chirurg) Unfall- und orthopädische Chirurgie (St. Willibrord Spital Emmerich (D))
2010 ANIOS SEH (Lievensberg Ziekenhuis Bergen op Zoom)
2009 – 2010 ANIOS Orthopedie (Gelre Ziekenhuizen Apeldoorn)
2008 Artsassistent Orthopedie (ANCA Medisch Centrum Gent (B))
1999 – 2007 Medicine at Utrecht University
Extracurricular activitities
2010 – heden Rallyarts
Deutsche Wirbelsäulengesellschaft